Wednesday, February 19, 2014

At last weeks meeting we met to discuss an update on the fundraiser for FUSE.  Also, our very own Steph Heinz and Kristen Brida also came to the front to discuss job searches and internships.  Kristen also gave us good advice on when to back out of a search when things start getting fishy.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dr. Roth visits FUSE

At last weeks meeting for FUSE our very own Dr. Roth, Professor of English and Director of the Jewish Studies Program, payed a visit to talk to us about how he started out and got to where he is now, as well as some of the business involved in publishing and editing.  Dr. Roth started reading quite early and found a love of books and literature in his father's Jewish book store (Which also happens to be one of the biggest in the U.S.). One very comforting detail that Dr. Roth shared with us was that he didn't think that he would end up where he was now, and that goes to show that we never know where we are going to be in the future.  He also shared with us some of his experiences after college (taking off two years to take time for himself before grad school).  It was an honor having Dr. Roth visit FUSE.