Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Homecoming at Susquehanna

Here's to a Successful Homecoming.  Though the sky was bleak and the air was chilly, the members of Fuse Susquehanna showed their commitment and dedication by bundling up, bringing their umbrellas and marching in the Susquehanna Homecoming Parade.  The members displayed their smiles as they ventured down University Avenue with their float, which was made a reality through the combined effort off each member.

The members of Fuse working hard and efficiently to put the finishing touches on the float last week.

 More eager faces, cutting leaves and getting to know each other.

With Homecoming behind us, Fuse Susquehanna will be looking to interview authors for your reading enjoyment.  Some members will be getting their Fuse Conference contracts signed in anticipation of exciting events to come.  Stay tuned for future updates!  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Homecoming Float Under Construction

This coming weekend is Homecoming weekend at Susquehanna University!  There's going to be a football game, a parade, a carnival, and a dance!  It is all very exciting.  In preparation for this, SU FUSE has been talking about making a float and participating in the Homecoming parade.  Last Saturday, at the club advisor's house (the wonderful Catherine Dent), several FUSE members who stayed on campus or nearby for Fall Break got together and started working on it!

This is the kind of thing that members of FUSE here at SU seem to excel at doing: giving up valuable time (like a Saturday, especially during a break) to get together and be hard at work for the club.  

These are some great pics of some of our members just having a good time and working on this float together.  Homecoming weekend is going to be a blast, and because of cool guys and gals like these FUSE will get to have an awesome, flashy presence for everyone else to see.  Great way to create awareness of our club and generate a greater presence on campus!  FUSE rocks, can't wait to see the float this Saturday!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Plot Scenario Generator

Writers block can be unpredictable, annoying and just downright frustrating.
Have you ever felt like this?
Sometimes all we need is a pinch of inspiration to begin a short story or other work.  For Fiction in particular, we've found the perfect website to get you started on your next project.  I'd like to introduce you to the Plot Scenario Generator.   

This website is pretty self-explanatory, generating two random lines of vague plot, which you as the reader use and alter to make your own original story.  For example, the first line might be "The story begins when your protagonist gets lost," and the second line might say "Another Character is a pharmacist who thinks s/he is doing his/her duty."  From those simple lines, you can make a story of any fashion.  If you are struggling with what to write about, this website will give you a small push in the right direction.  

If you dislike the scenarios the generator displays, it is no problem at all; you can continue to refresh it until you find a couple of lines that suit you.  The Plot Scenario Generator might not be the answer for everyone, but if you find yourself in a moment of writers block, or you're just curious about what to write next, this website is worth checking out.  Simply follow the link below.

Happy Writing!

Plan to Attend the National FUSE Conference

NOVEMBER 7-8, 2013.  This year's host institution is beautiful Davidson college, home of Libertas. 

For more information, go