Monday, November 24, 2014

Everyone should go! Chapbook launches are a great way to see what your peers are doing and get you pumped for making your own!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Publishing 101: What is an Editor?

Check this link out:
Publishing 101: What is an Editor?

Hey Fusians, if you're interested at all in publishing and editing (and you should be, considering this clubs is literally the Forum for Undergraduate Student EDITORS) then check out this woman's firsthand experience working as an editor! Her posts are fun and interesting to read, so don't hesitate to poke around her blog some more!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Now here are some of the highlights from this year's float. Everyone had fantastic costumes and attitudes, even as our fingers went numb, and we got really good energy from the spectators.
The 6-Fingered Man, Jillian, and Inigo Montoya
ROUS (a.k.a. Jay)
Wesley protecting Buttercup from Steph/ROUS
The whole gang! Minus Alyssa and Hana, who showed up later

We had a great (albeit very cold!) Homecoming parade this year! But first, here's a flashback to last year's float for old time's sake.
Homecoming October 2013 - Susquehanna Traditions

Monday, November 10, 2014

Visiting writer Nick Flynn gave a reading today in Isaac's as well as treating everyone to a slideshow of unrelated yet fascinating pictures. Great reading! He says he always waits almost exactly 10 years before writing about something in his life. It kind of puts things in perspective, right?
So I've decided to liven up the blog a little and post more things than just highlights and updates. We are all here for publishing, so let's get some publishing news and topics on this page. Here's a link to an article on Publisher's Weekly's website talking about the bestseller culture:
What do you guys think? What impact will this bestseller culture have on you down the road?

Monday, October 13, 2014


Fiction vs. Poetry vs. Nonfiction

Where: Practice field behind the tennis courts, near University Avenue
When: 2:00pm-3:00pm
What: An easy-going, slightly competitive game of soccer open to everyone and their friends to relieve a bit of stress from mid-terms
Why: Why not?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Reviews Day!! Our two lovely Reviews Editors, Alyssa and Megan, held a workshop/reviews fair a few weeks ago. They presented five magazines or journals: The Peel, Helix Magazine, The York Review, Tahoma West, and Pamplemousee. For the people who opted to do a review, don't forget that they're due in a few weeks!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


 Hey everybody! Welcome back to campus! Our Ice Cream Social this year was a huge success! There was beautiful weather (thank goodness not a repeat of last year), yummy ice cream, and a lot of fun people came! Let's keep this FUSE tradition alive for as long as we can!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Hey there Fusians, as you know this past week was out last meeting together for this year.  Everyone gathered around in a giant circle and discussed future ideas for F.U.S.E and read their reviews of certain literary magazines.  It has been a great time working with everyone here!

Hey Fusians,

At last week's meeting our very own Professor, Karla Kelsey came in to talk to us about the business and technical aspects of the publishing and editing world.  She also talked about her working experience out of college to present day.  It was great having her talk to the F.U.S.E committee, and it was a pleasure!  Thanks Karla!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hey there Fusions!  At last weeks meeting Karla was unable to make it due to scheduling conflicts on Wednesdays.  (She was going to come in for a bit and talk about publishing and editing)  The next week, the meeting time for FUSE will be at 4:15PM.  ALSO -- there will be a Genre wars event on April 27th on Sunday at 1pm @ the practice field behind the Writers House! Come on down!


Elections are up!

Director:  Steph 
Interviews: Emily
Reviews: Alyssa & Megan
Treasurer: Alexis & Sarah
Public Relations: Courtney
Conference: Alanna
Historian: Katy/ Colin
Secretary: Chelsea
Hey Fusions! At last weeks meeting Emily came up to the front of our meeting to let us know whats going on -- there are elections next week!  WE also talked about quite a few possibilities for interviews for magazines including Bodega, Lunch Ticket, Slate, Lumina, Brevity, Rattle, Story, Parcel.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Visitor: Chris Liek!

Hey Guys and Gals!

At last week's meeting we had our special guest -- Chris Liek -- come by to talk to our FUSE group about a few things.  Chris has informed us about one of the many literary highlights in his life, one of the major ones being that the editor of Granta wanted to set up a meeting with him during the fall of next year.  Big steps!  Chris also works at Columbia and New School.

As for updates, we have raised 161 dollars and 26 cents, roughly rounding out to 107 dollars in profit!  Nice job guys!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

At last weeks meeting we met to discuss an update on the fundraiser for FUSE.  Also, our very own Steph Heinz and Kristen Brida also came to the front to discuss job searches and internships.  Kristen also gave us good advice on when to back out of a search when things start getting fishy.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dr. Roth visits FUSE

At last weeks meeting for FUSE our very own Dr. Roth, Professor of English and Director of the Jewish Studies Program, payed a visit to talk to us about how he started out and got to where he is now, as well as some of the business involved in publishing and editing.  Dr. Roth started reading quite early and found a love of books and literature in his father's Jewish book store (Which also happens to be one of the biggest in the U.S.). One very comforting detail that Dr. Roth shared with us was that he didn't think that he would end up where he was now, and that goes to show that we never know where we are going to be in the future.  He also shared with us some of his experiences after college (taking off two years to take time for himself before grad school).  It was an honor having Dr. Roth visit FUSE.