Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SU FUSE Ice Cream Social

Question: What could delicious Blue Bunny Bordeaux Cherry Chocolate PREMIUM ice cream possibly have to do with a super cool forum for undergraduate student editors like SU FUSE?
Answer: It was my favorite flavor at their super cool Ice Cream Social!

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013, FUSE, as well as other fantastic clubs at SU like SU Slam, Shakespeare Club, Lit Club, Poetry Club, and Screenwriting Club got together with both returning and new students to get their mingle on with some delicious frozen goodness. This event was interesting and awesome to be at for a plethora of reasons, but here are my big two:
  1. It was a great way for these clubs to touch base with both preexisting members and anyone else who might be interested, and
  2. The Writer's House where it was located was literally overflowing with people of like interests and a love for the art of words.

Just look at all those beautiful, word-loving faces.
It was an awesome time, despite the legendary downpour I had to trek through to make it.  After I showed up I was graciously lead to the table of ice cream and told to help myself.  Then, cone in hand, I got some face time with both several writing majors I have known for years, and several who I had never seen before. Plus I got to hear about at least two clubs I didn't know existed on campus before I got there!  Everyone had fun, enjoyed their ice cream, and I'm sure these clubs will all be getting plenty of attendance at their future meetings because of it.

And seriously, Bordeaux Cherry Chocolate PREMIUM ice cream. So good.

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