Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fresh Yarn

Hello Writers, Readers, Editors and other blog viewers.  Today I would like to show all of you the joy of an emerging genre.  Though it may not seem like it, Personal Essays are on the rise.

What is a Personal Essay?
It s a piece of writing  that addresses a given topic from the perspective of the writer.  The theme and main ideas are supported by examples from the writer's own life.  The piece usually gives the reader some idea of the writer's abilities and personality.

Here is one website in particular, that allows you to explore over seven years of personal essay submissions.  Deciding to read a set of personal essays allows a reader to uncover something special, written by numerous, otherwise unknown authors.  Although some are of a higher standard than others, my examination of the website enlightened me on how interesting the authors are as people and not simply as writers.

Although Fresh Yarn is currently on a hiatus from accepting new essays, their archives provide for some excellent reading.  Maybe the essays will inspire your own personal essays!
Happy Reading!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Book Swap!

This week, SU FUSE has been in the lower level of the Degenstein Campus Center doing a BOOK SWAP, featuring such classics as the above, as well as popular titles like Twilight and Artemis Fowl.  The Book Swap is actually an incredible idea that was thought up as a way to do some fundraising for the club, all at the same time as promoting FUSE ideals (namely books, and reading, and stuff like that). 

The way the swap works is that anyone can come and trade a book of their own, and a $1 donation, and swap that for one of the fabulous titles available at the FUSE table.  Don't have any books your willing to donate to the cause?  No worries!  For the still incredibly low and incredibly reasonable price of $2, anyone can buy any of the books at the table.

I had the pleasure of manning the table for a while today, and it was pretty cool.  I leafed through a few books while I sat, and most of them seemed really interesting.  Definitely a cool idea to do some raising of the funds!  Go FUSE!